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Logging into our website

It's even easier to shop and access inspiration from the SAA!

We’ve improved how members login to our shop and community area websites by introducing a single place to sign in.  This means your two accounts are no longer separate – you don’t need to login to both websites separately, and you now only have one password. 


To login, simply go to the login page and enter the password you would use when shopping with us.  If you can’t remember your password, you can easily reset it on the website. 


Once logged in, simply click through to the community area from the link at the top of the shop website and enjoy your inspirational membership benefits.  


Access exclusive inspiration

The community area offers a world of inspiration; from demonstrations and tutorials with Video on Demand to step-by-step guides and tutorials news on the blog.

You can also access the current and back issues of Paint magazine and enter the latest art challenge!

The community area also helps you connect to art clubs as well as other artists including professional members and much more.

Top tip!

Don't forget to log in to access member-only inspiration!

Community area