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26th September 2022

Ali Hargreaves suggests mixing your media, not just for correcting mistakes but also as a fun way to experiment. Brian Smith has a 30 minute street scene demonstration jam packed full of tips, techniques and inspiration.

30-minute challenge with Brian Smith Watercolour Street Scene

Brian Smith paints a busy street scene and teaches us how to engage with the viewer by just suggesting the features in the scene, letting their imagination fill in the gaps and interpret what's going on. 

Be inspired to try a street scene with this 30 minute video.

How to fix a mistake in your artwork

Mistakes - we all make them, so don't get frustrated - just follow along with the fabulous tips we have lined up from our professional artists and let them guide you.

Today's tip is from Ali Hargreaves:
Youtube: Alisart
Facebook: @alisart
Instagram: @alijhargreaves
Artist Demo Days: @artistdemodays
