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1st September 2022

Tracey Bengeyfield provides art tuition on different ways to paint keys in watercolours.

Introduction to the keys project with Tracey Bengeyfield

Tracey Bengeyfield kicks off our 30 Minute Painting Challenge with her watercolour keys project. This introduction will take you through what to expect from her videos and what you'll need.

The first key is below and the others will follow in the coming weeks, please share your work with us.

The Ornate Key with Tracey Bengeyfield

Tracey Bengeyfield paints an old, ornate key using masking fluid and ruling pen to preserve her highlights; watercolour and salt.

Completed in just 15 minutes, this is the perfect way to dip your toes into our 30-minute painting challenge. 

Dispelling your artist's block

Creative or artist's block can strike even the most prolific painter or illustrator, we'll be sharing tips with you throughout the month to help you dispel that block!

Today's tip is from Allie Pottinger:
Instagram @allie_pottinger
Facebook @AlliePottingerwatercolourworkshops
