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12th September 2022

Debbie Cullis revisits an old watercolour painting in a new medium of acrylic inks and Allie Pottinger suggests mixing up your usual watercolours with lots of texture.

30-minute challenge with Debbie Cullis Ocean Deep in Acrylic Ink

Long time SAA member and PA, Debbie Cullis, uses Blue Masking Fluid to describe negative shapes in this painting, 'Ocean Deep'. Using a limited palette of blue Daler-Rowney System 3 Acrylic Inks.

Debbie uses her finger to remove the masking fluid, but if you don't like the feeling of removing lots of masking fluid you could also use a Maskaway Block.

Something every artist should try

We asked our PAs, "What should every artist should try on their artistic journey?" and we're sharing their answers.

See if there's something that you haven't tried yet and give it a go, don't forget to use share your story either whether you give it a go or if you have another tip or trick you'd love to share with us too.

Today's tip is from Allie Pottinger:
Instagram @allie_pottinger
Facebook @AlliePottingerwatercolourworkshops
